Returns for Exchange or Refund
All returns must have a RA (return authorization) on the label, please contact us first via email and we will provide you with a RMA number and the address to return to.
To initiate a return, please access our self-serve return form HERE
Alternatively you can email us at, and state your order number, and what you'd like (refund or exchange). Please also provide the country you wish to return to (we have a US and Canadian warehouse). If you have not received an answer within 48 hours, please be sure to check your junk, or promotions folder, in case our response went there.
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please return it in its original, unused, resellable condition WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE - (NO EXCEPTIONS) for an exchange or refund.*
Please do not write or label the box, please wrap it first. If a refund is required, only the purchase and taxes will be refunded, not the shipping.
Please note that the customer pays for return shipping via POSTAL SERVICE. We cannot accept any COD return.
Indicate clearly "Return for Exchange Only".
When a refund is necessary, please note, we do not refund original shipping charges. Please note that should a partial return for refund be the case, which would cause your order to no longer qualify for free shipping, shipping charges will be subtracted from your refund.
*Some exclusions apply on personal use items -
Items that cannot be returned:
- Bedding (Sheets, Sleep Pads, Pillowcases)
- Earthing Headbands and Wristbands
- Earthing pads, desk mats, mouse pads, yoga mats, socks
- Silver scarves and cloths
- Outlet checkers,continuity testers & EMF meters
- Light Therapy lamps
- Water Bottles (Lifestraw/Copper/Etc.)
- please see return tabs on individual product page.
-Package must not be damaged, written on, or taped or we will need to charge a repackaging fee of up to $10.
Please note that when a refund is requested on returns made that had Black Friday/Cyber Monday discounts may result in your order not qualifying for those discounts. The amount refunded will reflect which discount category your remaining order qualifies for (or doesn't qualify for).
Return period is extended for Christmas orders. Please be sure to contact us by January 15 to facilitate returns/exchanges of Christmas gifts.
(Only applicable to gifts)