Grounding Mat
Grounding To Go
A portable, lightweight product for earthing, the Multi-Use Pad is a 23.5” x 15.5” conductive mat that can be used virtually anywhere. Plug it into any grounded outlet or grounded surge protector, and place it on your chair, behind your back, under your bed sheet, etc. Grounding can be accomplished while you work, watch television, read a book — anytime you want to re-charge and enjoy the healing effects of earthing.
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Grounding At Work
Introduce the earth’s positive energy into your routine and recharge your batteries with the science of nature. Get grounded today.
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How Earthing Mats Can Really Help Give You Life
The Earthing Store we mainly sell Earthing footwear so that you can practice Grounding while out and about, on your feet, during the day. We realize that there are times when it is beneficial to practice Earthing while inside so there are other ways you can practice Earthing while at home.
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