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Restoring Balance: The Grounded Sleep

Restoring Balance: The Grounded Sleep

ground therapy sleeping pad for earthing
Life is about balance. How often do we hear that? A lot. How often do we adhere to it? Probably not as much as we should.

And in our busy lives, we think of balance mostly in terms of work, diet, exercise, etc. But we don’t always consider balance in terms of our relationship with the earth.

Nature as a healing force is a concept that has been present for millennia, spanning many faiths, cultures, and philosophies. Prior to the days of modern technology and conveniences, as humans, our relationship with nature was constant and necessary to our survival. However, as science and society have advanced, the way we perceive the natural world around us has become skewed, and we are increasingly isolated from the outdoors. Our connection to the planet and to each other is, has quite literally become “remote.”

This lack of connection to nature and dependence on technology can upset the balance of other aspects of our lives, such as wellness. And sleep.
sleep mat single for earthing bedding
There is nothing better than the comfort and refreshment of waking up from a long, restful night. Sleep restores our mind and body; it helps us heal and process our emotions. It affects our mood, our productivity, our immune system. It provides Balance.

Sleep is also something that can easily be taken for granted. Often, we don’t realize what a luxury it is until it eludes us. Stress and anxiety, physical discomfort, insomnia are just a few of the things that can keep us awake even when we’re exhausted and desperately need to rest.

A Ground Therapy Sleep Pad is an effective way to reconnect with the earth, restore our natural balance, and heal.
earthing mat
Grounding therapy is based on studies demonstrating that the human body responds to and is stabilized and regenerated by the earth’s natural electro-magnetic field. Research has shown that grounding or “earthing” has led to many improvements in health such as: reduced inflammation, quicker healing, lowered stress levels, and yes... deeper, more restful sleep.

Made with lightweight, conductive carbon tech material, the Ground Therapy Sleep Pad fits over your mattress, and plugs into a grounded outlet, connecting the sleep pad to the earth via your home’s wiring. Simply cover with your usual bedding (natural fibres are preferred over synthetic) and prepare to enjoy the benefits of “grounded” sleep. The longer you use it, the more improvements you’ll feel in mind and body.
earthing mat and accessories
The Ground Therapy Sleep Pad is available in Small (Twin) and Large (Queen) and comes with a socket tester, 15 ft. ground cord, safe-T cube, and user guide.
earthing pad mat package
outlet checker for earthing
safe-t cube for earthing outlet port
snap earthing cord to mat for earthing results
Restore your balance, refresh your life!
Men and nature must work hand in hand quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt
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